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Taiwan Film & Culture Association

To provide support for Charles McCarry to travel to Taiwan to participate in the workshop “MINIATURE-NIFICENT – Workshop of Miniature’s Application of Movie Visual Effects”.


American Dance Festival

For an oral history of ADF’s role in nurturing the development of contemporary dance in China, beginning in the 1980s, until the present.

to enable four dance professionals from the U.S. to travel to China to work towards fostering partnerships with several companies and academies across the country

to supplement a 2018 grant supporting the participation of 4 dance artists from Southeast Asia in the American Dance Festival's 2019 International Choreographers Residency Program

a Project Grant to enable 4 dance artists from Southeast Asia to participate in the American Dance Festival in summer 2019

A Project Grant to enable 5 dance artists and 1 dance scholar from Southeast Asia to participate in the American Dance Festival in summer 2018

to support Indonesian dance artist Ali Sukri's participation in the 2014 International Choreographers Residency Program

to enable two choreographers from Henan University to participate in the International Choreographers Residency Program in summer 2011

for the participation of eight dancers from China in the International Choreographers Residency Program at ADF in summer 2011

to enable ADF co-director Jodee Nimerichter to travel to Shanghai in January 2006 to discuss with partner organizations there plans for an American Dance Festival program in China

to enable Indonesian dance artist Martinus Miroto to participate in the International Choreographers Commissioning Program at ADF in summer 2005

to enable Dai Jian from Guangdong, China, to participate in ADF's six-week school in summer 2004

support for choreographer Akiko Kitamura to participate in the International Choreographers Commissioning Program in summer 2003

support for ADF co-director Stephanie Reinhart and project consultant Chiang Ching to travel to China in April 2001 to explore possibilities for an ADF program in China

to support the participation of choreographers Li Hanzhong and Ma Bo in the ADF International Choreographers Program

to support the fall 1997 American tour of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company

to support the participation of Guangdong Modern Dance Company choreographer Shen Wei in ADF's 1995 International Choreographers Commisioning Program

to enable dance scholars Malbourg Kim from Korea and Sal Murgiyanto from Indonesia to attend the International Dance Critics Conference at the American Dance Festival in summer 1994

to enable three dance critics from Asia to attend the Dance Critics' Conference at the American Dance Festival in summer 1993

to enable members of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company to study and perform at the American Dance Festival in summer 1991

to enable four choreographers and dancers from China participating in the summer 1986 Festival to spend one month in New York observing dance activities

to support the participation of three choreographers from Asia in the International Choreographers' Workshop at the American Dance Festival in summer 1985

to support the participation of modern dance companies from Indonesia and the Philippines in the Festival's fiftieth anniversary program held at Duke University in summer 1984


Association for Asian Studies

for "Visualizing and Envisioning Asia: Films, Documentaries and Advocacy in Southeast Asia and South Asia,” a program of film screenings and virtual roundtables that will bring together film and documentary directors, producers, and actors from Asia’s lesser-known regions.

Organization/Project Grant to bring artists and museum curators from Asia to participate in a roundtable discussion on "Decolonizing Southeast Asian Art and Art History" at the Association’s annual conference.

a Project Grant to bring four artists from Asia to the U.S. to participate in a roundtable discussion on arts under military occupation during the 2019 AAS Annual Conference


Bridge for the Arts and Education

A music workshop and open forum for artists from Asia coming to Japan to participate in a production of the Mahabharata that will be held as part of the official cultural events for the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

A 6-month Organization/Project Grant to support a joint film project around Hiroshi Koike’s Mahabharata Series with participating artists from nine countries across Asia

to support cross-cultural workshops in Jogjakarta for performing artists from Japan and Southeast Asia to create a collaborative interpretation of the Mahabharata

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