American Museum of Natural History
Support workshops on conservation methods to be presented by the museum's textile conservator, Vuka Roussakis, at three museums in Vietnam.
詳細はこちらSupport workshops on conservation methods to be presented by the museum's textile conservator, Vuka Roussakis, at three museums in Vietnam.
詳細はこちらto enable three dance critics from Asia to attend the Dance Critics' Conference at the American Dance Festival in summer 1993
詳細はこちらSupport the participation of sculptor Tomoko Ushijima in Triangle Artist's Workshop's summer 1993 program.
詳細はこちらParticipate in the Dance Critics' Conference at the American Dance Festival in Durham, North Carolina, and to undertake dance research at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, in July 1993.
Participate in the Dance Critics' Conference at the American Dance Festival in Durham, North Carolina, and to undertake dance research at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, in July 1993.
詳細はこちらSupport the participation of poet and video artists Shuntaro Tanikawa in the Video Viewpoints lecture series at the Museum of Modern Art in April 1993.
詳細はこちらStudy the traditional Japanese double reed instrament hichiriki and to research new developments in video technology in Japan.
詳細はこちらTo begin a program of study in theater leading to the M.A. degree at Emerson College, beginning September 1993.
詳細はこちらBegin a program leading to the M.A. degree in performance studies at the Tisch School of the Arts, NYU
詳細はこちらSupport the World Momuments Fund's conservation activities at Preah Khan in Angor, Cambodia.
詳細はこちらSupport the participation of film specialists from Asia in the NETPAC conference on Asian cinema at the Hawaii International Film Festival in December 1993.
詳細はこちらProvide support for a fall 1993 performance tour in the United States by the Sardono Dance Theater of Indonesia.
Provide assistance for four dance teacher from Cambodia participating in Jacob's Pillow's Cambodian Artist Residency Project in summer 1993.
Provide assistance for four dance teacher from Cambodia participating in Jacob's Pillow's Cambodian Artist Residency Project in summer 1993.
詳細はこちらEnable Hong Kong theater director Frederick Mao to participate in the development of a new theater piece at La MaMa, E.T.C., in June 1994.
Support the participation of dance artists from Asia in the first Asian Contemporary Dance Festival, held at La Mama in June 1993.