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Joned Suryatmoko

To continue in the fourth year of a Ph.D. program in theater and performance at The Graduate Center, CUNY.

To continue in the third year of a Ph.D. program in theater and performance at The Graduate Center, CUNY

to continue in the second year of a Ph.D. program in theater and performance at The Graduate Center, CUNY

A 1-year Graduate Scholarship to provide for travel and living expenses during the first year of a Ph.D. program in theater and performance at The Graduate Center, CUNY

for a six-month grant to observe contemporary theater activities and to be in residence as a visiting scholar at the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center in New York City, beginning in fall 2016.


Yayasan Kelola

For the fourth and final year of the Southeast Asian Choreographers Network program in 2021-2022.

A 6-month Organization/Project Grant to provide for the third year of the Southeast Asian Choreographers Network Program, adapted as a virtual program with online workshops for dance artists in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand.

to support further development of the ACC-Kelola-ADF Southeast Asia Choreographers Network by facilitating the participation of 4 choreographers in the 2019 International Choreographers Residency program at American Dance Festival, and organizing a workshop in Indonesia for network participants

a Project Grant to support the participation of choreographers from Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia in a one-week collaborative platform in Indonesia

to support a performing arts exchange pilot program between Indonesia and Cambodia

to support the organization of collaborative workshops and fellowship programs in 2008 and 2009

to support a choreography workshop to be conducted in Solo, Indonesia, under the direction of Lin Hwai-Min from July 26- August 9, 2007

Supplementary grant to support additional expenses in connection with the Lin Hwai-Min choreography workshop held in Indonesia, July 26- August 9

to support an arts management workshop directed by Laurie Uprichard in Solo, Central Java, from August 28 through September 1, 2006

to help support Kelola's administrative expenses in organizing collaborative workshop and fellowship programs with the ACC in 2005 and 2006

support Kelola's administrative expenses in organizing collaborative workshop and internship program with the ACC in 2005

to support a workshop in Jakarta on international touring for performing arts groups directed by Rachel Cooper of the Asia Society in March 2005

to support a workshop in Solo on performing arts networks directed by Norikazo Sato of the Japan Contemporary Dance Network, from November 29 to December 3, 2005

to help support Kelola's administrative expenses in organizing collaborative workshop and internship programs with the ACC in 2004

To support a lighting workshop that will be led by Clifton Taylor in Indonesia in June 2003

For administrative expenses in organizing collaborative workshop and internship programs with the ACC in 2003-2004

for administrative expenses in organizing collaborative workshop and internship programs with the ACC in 2001-2002

to support a workshop in festival management led by Joe Wilson

to enable Amna Kusumo, director of the Kelola Foundation in Indonesia, to survey cultural institutions and arts management practices in Asia

to enable Jennifer Tipton to conduct a professional lighting design workshop in Indonesia in February 2000


Sardono Kusumo

conduct research and consult with artists and curators at the Isamu Noguchi Museum in Mure, Japan

To meet with presenters, program organizers, and arts specialists in the United States in spring 1988 in connection with the development of the performing arts component of the Festival of Indonesia.

To meet with performing arts specialists in New York in spring 1986 in preparation for the International Gamelan Festival held at the 1986 World Exposition in Vancouver.

To survey performing arts activities in New York in June 1984 prior to participating in the International Choreographers' Workshop at the American Dance festival, Durham, North Carolina


Pamungkas Danang

Dancer, Surakarta: for a six-month grant to observe contemporary dance in the U.S. and participate in the International Choreographers Residency Program at the American Dance Festival in summer 2016.

Dancer, Surakarta: for a six-month grant to observe contemporary dance in the U.S. and participate in the International Choreographers Residency Program at the American Dance Festival in summer 2016.

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