Takeshi Moriya
Assist the Peabody Museum of Salem in cataloguing the Edward Sylvester Morse Collection of japanese ethnological materials in fall 1984.
詳細はこちらAssist the Peabody Museum of Salem in cataloguing the Edward Sylvester Morse Collection of japanese ethnological materials in fall 1984.
詳細はこちらSurvey museum procedures and collections of Southeast Asian art and archeology in the United States, Europe, and Asia in February and March 1985.
詳細はこちらConduct research on museum conservation at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., and the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, in April 1984.
詳細はこちらStudy dance and choreography in a program leading to the M.F.A. degree at the Tisch School of the Arts, NYU, in the 1984-85 academic year.
詳細はこちらStudy the conservation of oil paintings and works on paper at New York University in fall 1984.
詳細はこちらSurvey current cultural activities in the United States and to participate in the Development Institute for Artistic Leadership, Education, Culture and Technology held in New York in summer 1984.
詳細はこちらWork with Japanese dancers in choreographing and performing a new dance work in Tokyo in fall 1984.
詳細はこちらGive kyogen workshops at La Mama Experimental Theatre Club and to survey cultural activities in New York in March 1984.
詳細はこちらConduct doctoral dissertation research in fall 1984 in connection with a program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree in ethnomusicology at Weslyan University.
詳細はこちらStudy English at the University of Hawaii and to observe rehersals, actor training classes, and performances in the United States from January through March 1984.
詳細はこちらto provide programming assistance and support for travel, study, and cultural activities
詳細はこちらAssist the Institute in purchasing musical instraments, costumes, and stage properties to replace those destroyed by fire in 1984.