
Khampha Ronnarong
to participate in the summer 2013 International Choreographers Residency Program at the American Dance Festival and to spend two months in New York City taking classes, attending performances, and meeting with dancers and choreographers.
詳細はこちらWaewdao Sirisook
for graduate study at UCLA
ten-month fellowship to continue a program of study leading to the M.F.A. degree in choreography at the University of California , Los Angeles
詳細はこちらAjarn Chulachart Aranyanak
詳細はこちらPakhamon Hemachandra
詳細はこちらPadung Jumpan
詳細はこちらMorakot Ketklao
詳細はこちらPichet Klunchun
to travel to New York to participate in an award ceremony for the John D. Rockefeller 3rd Award, participate in ACC's 50th Anniversary Gala, and observe contemporary arts activities
JDR 3rd Awardee
Thai traditional dance practitioner who participated in 1999 APPEX pragram at UCLA
詳細はこちらVipash Purichanont
詳細はこちらArin Rungjang
詳細はこちらKornkarn Rungsawang
a grant supplement to provide for expenses associated with participation in the American Dance Festival
for a six-month grant to participate in the International Choreographers Residency Program at the American Dance Festival in summer 2017 and to observe contemporary dance in the U.S.