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Prabhakar Bhagwat

to attend the International Council of Monuments and Sites' symposium "The Gardens of Islam," Granada, Spain, October-November 1973.


Cenderawasih University

to provide support for a field research and training project on Asmat culture under the direction of Malcolm T. Walker, profesor of anthropology, Cenderwasih University

to enable Arie Korwa, assistant, Institute of Anthropology, Cenderawasih University, to study museum training at the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, and to survey museum activities in the United States and Europe, and to provide for the purchase and shipment of books, films, documentation equipment, and exhibition materials.


Preethi de Silva

to continue to study in a program leading to the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the School of Music, Yale University.

to continue to study in a program leading to the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the School of Music, Yale University.

to study in a program leading to the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the School of Music, Yale University.


Dhaka Museum

to enable Firoz Mahmud to survey museum administration, display techniques, and education programs in the United States and Europe to and to enable Mohammed Mohsin to survey exhibition design and installation procedures in the United States and Europe in connection with the Museum Training Project.

to provide for the purchase and shipment of books, research materials, slides, photographs, and audiovisual equipment.

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