Hsu Chu Tzu
to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architecture degree at the Massachusetss Institute of Technology.
詳細はこちらto complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architecture degree at the Massachusetss Institute of Technology.
詳細はこちらto serve as a visiting scholar at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center, New York, and to attend courses in the School of Music, Columbia University.
詳細はこちらto complete a program of study in printmaking and painting leading to the M.F.A. degree Pratt University.
to study printmaking and painting in a program leading to the M.F.A. degree at Pratt Institute.
詳細はこちらto complete a program of study leading to the M.F.A. degree in graphic design at the School of Art, Yale University.
詳細はこちらto complete a program of study in conservation at the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, and survey conservation facilities and laboratories in the United States, Europe and Asia en route home to Singapore
to study at the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University.
詳細はこちらto complete a program of study leading to the Master's certificate in dance at the School of the Arts, NYU.
to study dance at the graduate level at New York University and to survey contemporary dance activities in the United States.
詳細はこちらto conduct dissertation research in Thailand on the art and architecture of Wat Po in connection with a program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree at NYU.
詳細はこちらto conduct dissertation research in Malaysia on the music of wayang kulit in connection with a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan.
詳細はこちらto complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architectutre degree at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
詳細はこちらto survey contemporary theater activities and to meet with theater activities and meet with theater professionals in the United States
詳細はこちらto complete a program of study leading to the M.A. degree in archaeology at UC Berkeley, and to participate in excavations at paleolithic cave sites in France in summer 1976.
to study in a program leading to the M.A. degree in archaeology at the University of California, Berkeley, to participate in the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, and to survey museum collections in the United States.