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Iskandar Loedin

To study lighting design with Jennifer Tipton as a special student at Yale University in 2001-2002.

one-year study in light and design at Yale University

Participation in the Triangle Arts Program at Bates College in Maine

Participation in the Indonesia and Japan segments of the Triangle Arts Program


Franki Raden

grant renewal to complete dissertation

to complete the writing, final editing, and presentation of a Ph.D. dissertation, Music, Politics, and Problems of National Identity in Indonesia, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in summer and fall 2001

Grant Renewal - Final Semester At University of Wisconsin

Grant Renewal

To complete a program of study leading to the Ph.D degree in ethnomusicology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

to continue to study ethnomusicology in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Wisconsin

To continue to study ethnomusicology in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Wisconsin during 1990-91.

To continue to study ethnomusicology in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Wisconsin during 1990-91.

Study ethnomusicology in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Wisconsin during the 1989-90 academic year.

Study ethnomusicology in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Wisconsin during the 1989-90 academic year.

To study ethnomusicology in a program leading to the M.A. degree at the University of Wisconsin in the spring 1988 semester.

to observe contemporary music activities in the United States for ten months beginning in fall 1986


I Nyoman Sedana

grant renewal

To continue a program of study in theater leading to the Ph.D degree at the University of Georgia

grant renewal for 1999-2000 academic year plus support for 3 months this summer

to continue program of study on theater leading to the Ph.D degree

Tuition Expenses

Partial maintenance, book allowance, etc. for Ph.D. study program at University of Georgia in 1998-99.

to begin a program of study in theater leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Georgia

to complete a program of study in theater leading to the M.A. degree at Brown University


Sukarji Sriman

participate in the International Choreography Commissioning Program at ADF

grant renewal for second year in Smith College M.F.A. program

to begin a program of study in dance leading to the M.F.A. degree at Smith College

Participate in Triangle Arts Program in the U.S. and Japan in summer and fall of 1997.

Support for participation in the Triangle Arts Program in Indonesia and Japan


Eko Supriyanto

to continue M.A. program at UCLA

To continue a program of study leading to the M.F.A. degree in the Department of World Arts and Culture at the University of California, Los Angeles

to continue a program of study leading to an M.F.A. degree

to continue a program of study leading to an M.F.A. degree

Graduate study in dance at UCLA

study leading to an M.F.A. degree in the department of world arts and cultures at the University of California


Yunus Arbi

Eleven-month grant renewal to complete a Master's degree in musuem studies program at George Washington University in 2000-2001

Eleven-month fellowship to continue program of study in museology leading to an M.A. degree at George Washington Univeristy

Twelve-month grant to begin a Master's degree program in museum studies at George Washington University

six-month grant to begin a graduate program in museum studies at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

To undertake an internship in museum practice at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, beginning in April 1995.

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