Be prepared to sculpt sound and space through simple group actions. It’ll be fun—we will play inside of game structures that are designed to be negotiated (not executed flawlessly). These games involve real-time decisions about our relationships to space, each other, and the audience. We will explore, organize a performative structure, and take turns as audience members. And we’ll have time for a conversation to reflect on different approaches to navigation, participation, cooperation, and resistance.
Ages Teen and adult!
Subway: J/M to Marcy Avenue
Space is limited. RSVP required
Pay-As-You-Wish (Suggested $10-20)
Cloudscapes: Events+Workshops for Adults - Sound Sculpture Space Sculpture
開催国: | 168 March Avenue
(between Broadway and South 5th Street) Brooklyn, NY 11211 1:00-4:00PM United States |
イベントの種類: | Alumni Event |
グランティ: | Ursula Eagly |