Gitameit-SUNY Myanmar Spirit Worship Project
Musicians Kit Young, Alex Peh, Ne Myo Aung, and Kyaw Kyaw Naing discuss their pioneering virtual exchange through the Gitameit-SUNY Myanmar Spirit Worship Project (ACC 2020)...
查阅活动欢迎来到ACC线上节目,ACC对话场。当国际旅行暂停,国际对话和连结的需求仍在。 ACC维持一贯的宗旨,调整交流的型态,开设ACC对话场,藉由艺术促进国际相互的了解及尊重。提供亚洲及美国一个可以有多元声音的平台,支持艺术家和专业艺术工作者。
Musicians Kit Young, Alex Peh, Ne Myo Aung, and Kyaw Kyaw Naing discuss their pioneering virtual exchange through the Gitameit-SUNY Myanmar Spirit Worship Project (ACC 2020)...