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American Museum of Natural History

To host Hanoi Museum Conservator Mr. Lê Chí Công at AMNH for a six-month training in paper and photography conservation.

to support the participation of Dr. Nguyen Van Huy and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong in a conference in New York in May 2014

to support a regional workshop on object and textile conservation at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi in February 2012.

eight-month internship at AMNH for conservation specialist Hoang Thi To Quyen from the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology beginning fall 2006

to enable conservators Judith Levinson and Vuka Roussakis to consult with Vietnam Museum of Ethnology on the design of a new storage facility in Hanoi in fall 2003 and to pursue conservation research in Singapore with colleagues from the VME

support for a six-month internship for intern Ms. Pham Lan Huong for October 2002 to March 2003

support for a six-month intership for a conservation specialist from the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

support for curator Laurel Kendall and conservator Judith Levinson to undertake research in Vietnam for the exhibition "Vietnam: Journeys of Body, Mind and Spirit"

Support workshops on conservation methods to be presented by the museum's textile conservator, Vuka Roussakis, at three museums in Vietnam.


Amanda Andrei

To study Filipino plays that deal with online and internet culture, observing how these plays might translate from Filipino to Anglophone audiences and how a diasporic heritage language learner critiques a multilingual play.


Nursalim Yadi Anugerah

To observe and participate in the experimental music scene in New York, while learning how artists and institutions use sound-making as a tool of music diplomacy to help enhance communities and build bonds both locally and internationally.


Fatimah Asghar

To research and collect folkloric stories about the Jinn (a spirit inhabiting the earth but unseen by humans) of Pakistan, and how they have built a relationship with people for JINNESTAN, a short story collection that explores the world of Jinn from a futuristic perceptive.


Gantuya Badamgarav

To explore small- and large-scale contemporary arts organizations to understand their distinct visions, cultures, structures, operating and funding mechanisms, and programs.


John Alexis Balaguer

To explore museums, galleries, and art spaces in New York to study exhibition writing and engage with artists, gallerists, and cultural workers, aiming to have a deeper understanding of art criticism.


Maria Patricia Bernas

To continue pursuing a Master of Science in Dance Movement Therapy at Sarah Lawrence College, training to create more inclusive approaches to dance and movement.

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