Fall Open Studios
Join Triangle Arts Organization (ACC Current Fellow) for Fall Open Studios, featuring current artists in residence: Paribartana Mohanty, Sari Palosaari and Yolanda Ceballos.
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Join Triangle Arts Organization (ACC Current Fellow) for Fall Open Studios, featuring current artists in residence: Paribartana Mohanty, Sari Palosaari and Yolanda Ceballos.
查阅活动The film follows the daily rituals of three old fishermen/fisherwomen couples living in fishing villages on Grass Island and in Aberdeen, Hong Kong. Screening and discussion with filmmaker MA Chi-hang (ACC Current Fellow).
查阅活动In the third leg of her tour, Elico Suzuki (suzueri) (Current Fellow) will be performing with Bonnie Jones in a showcase featuring the muscial combinations between both artists.
查阅活动In the second leg of her tour, Elico Suzuki (suzueri) (Current Grantee) embarks to Detroit for a residency at Frank Pahl's studio. The studio will be open for a day-long live installation in collaboration with Frank Pahl.
查阅活动Join Wu Jiaru (Current Grantee) for their studio residence in Chinatown for two months that unravels the threads woven within the fast-paced urbanscape of New York.
查阅活动Join Elico Suzuki (suzueri) (Current Fellow) for the first leg of their tour starting in D.C with a sound and visual based show. Through the expert use of self-made instruments with pianos, suzueri puts on restless and circuitous performances.
查阅活动Li-Chin Li (Current Fellow) is joined by fellow musicians for a special night of music featuring electronics, sheng, violin, and the accordion.
查阅活动Join Elico Suzuki (suzueri) (Current Fellow) at Sunview Luncheonette for a music show and food among other artists in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.