"The Salty Breeze" at The Sai Kung Hoi Festival
2022年11月16日 - 2023年01月15日
Visit Sherman Sun and Sarah Mui's (ACC 2016) artwork, "The Salty Breeze," during the the Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival, ongoing through the end of the year.
查阅活动ACC以我们的国际会友网络而自豪。若您是我们的受奖人或会友,诚意邀请您在活动日历分享中与我们分享您最新的活动资讯,请电邮至 alumnievents@accny.org 以了解活动日历的登录方法。请注意,只有ACC受奖人或会友的活动才会被刊登。
Visit Sherman Sun and Sarah Mui's (ACC 2016) artwork, "The Salty Breeze," during the the Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival, ongoing through the end of the year.
查阅活动ACC alumni, Corrin Chan (ACC 1989), Sarah Mui (ACC 2016), and Gary Chang (ACC 1997), will be speakers during the "In Conversation with MOViE MOViE MOVERS" portion of the Life is Art Film Festival in Hong Kong.