FORMOSA: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre
2018年02月25日 - 2018年03月24日
In the 16th century, gazing out from the decks of ships off the coast of Southern China, Portuguese sailors saw it: a great gre…
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In the 16th century, gazing out from the decks of ships off the coast of Southern China, Portuguese sailors saw it: a great gre…
查阅活动The much-anticipated Singapore debut of Cloud Gate 2, featuring many of Taiwans most talented young dancers and two award-winni…
查阅活动Lin Hwai-Min, director of Cloud Gate, created Songs of Wanderersback in 1994, basing it on ideas of religious practices across …
查阅活动The sister company of internationally celebrated Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, Cloud Gate 2, performs in the UK for the f…