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ArchivesACC Japan Online Talk Series #1 “Theater in the time of Covid-19 – Kyoko Iwaki × Akane Nakamura × Suguru Yamamoto”

ACC Japan Office will host a new series of interactive online conversations with ACC Grantees entitled "ACC Cultural Conversations -Series: Thinking About Art in the Time of “The New Normal.” 
The first session, " Theater in the Time of Covid-19," starting at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, June 26, will feature Kyoko Iwaki (Researcher in Performing Arts (PhD), ACC Grantee 2017), Akane Nakamura (Performing Arts Producer, ACC 2016), and Suguru Yamamoto (Playwright, ACC2018). 

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Ami Yamasaki: Ear to Catch

“After the COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s soundscape changed dramatically. For me who always listens to the sound with all my might, I feel the load on my ears…”

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Nobuyuki Sugihara: Where Life is Valued

I am currently in Taiwan on a 6-month ACC grant to research Taiwan's indigenous culture...While the world has declared a state of emergency, I have been able to continue my research and production in Taiwan...

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