Fellowships & Grants

Applications are currently closed. The next funding cycle will open in fall 2025.

The Asian Cultural Council is a grant-giving organization that makes fellowships and grants to support cultural exchange in the arts for practicing artists, scholars, and arts professionals.

Priority is given to process-driven activities that enable cultural immersion, relationship-building, collaboration, or the exchange of knowledge among peers. Examples of process-driven activities include research, training, study, and exploration. ACC fellowships and grants are not intended for production-focused activities such as touring, performing, exhibiting, publishing, or making work.

In addition to funding, ACC offers logistical and programmatic support to its fellowship and grant recipients. The level of support varies by fellowship or grant type and by destination country. Support may include recommendations of sites to visit or activities to participate in; personal introductions to relevant contacts; J-1 visa sponsorship for individuals traveling to the U.S.; and access to the global ACC community of alumni and partners. ACC has supported over 6,000 exchanges since 1964. By combining funding with advice, feedback, and personal introductions, ACC's program builds relationships that strengthen cross-cultural ties beyond the duration of the grant.

New York Fellowship

A six-month fellowship program based in New York City, with logistical and programmatic support from ACC staff. Fellowships may involve targeted research projects or open-ended exploration. 

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Individual Fellowship

One- to six-month fellowships for individuals, or small groups of collaborators, undertaking self-directed research. Programmatic support from ACC staff may be available by region.

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Graduate Fellowship

A living stipend for students from Asia pursuing graduate degrees in the U.S., with priority given to students who do not have access to comparable programs at home, and to those studying in fields that are underrepresented in their home countries. 

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Organization Grant

Organization grants are awarded primarily to support cultural exchange opportunities for specific project participants who will benefit from the experience as individual fellowship recipients do – through cultural immersion, research, specialized training, exchange of knowledge among peers, and other process-oriented activities.

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