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Adi Kurdi

to complete a program of study in the Theater Program at the School of the Arts, NYU.

to study in the Theatre Program, School of the Arts, NYU, and to attend the New Theatre Festival workshops at the University of Maryland and the Academy for the Performing Arts workshops at American University during summer 1977.

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Paik Eui Hyun

to complete a program of study leading to the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Indiana University.

to complete a program of study leading to the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Indiana University, and observe rehersals at the Metropolitan Opera Company and activities at Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center in New York.

to continue to study in a program leading to the Doctoral of Musical Arts degree at Indiana University and to study stage design at the Metropolitan Opera, New York in February 1976.

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Mary Slusser

to prepare the final manuscript of Nepal Mandala: A Cultural Study of the Kathmandu Valley to be published by Princeton University Press

to consult with Pratapaditya Pal, curator of Indian and Islamic art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and to conduct research in connection with a book on the monuments and culture of the Kathmandu Valley.

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Ishida Hou Mei Sung

to complete a program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree in the Museum Studies Program sponsored jointly by Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Museum of Art.

to study Chinese history and literature at the University of Michigan during the summer 1977 in connection with a program leading to the Ph.D. degree in Museum Studies at Case-Western Reserve University.

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American Musicological Society

to enable Masakata Kanazawa, Japan; José Maceda, the Philippines; Premlata Sharma, India; W. Soedarsono, Indonesia; and Tran Van Khe, Vietnam, to participate in the Twelfth Congress of the International Musicology Society held at UC Berkeley, August 1977

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Archives of American Art

to conduct an interview with Gordon Washburn, former director of the Asia House Gallery, New York, as part of the Archives' oral history program.

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