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Bridge for the Arts and Education

A music workshop and open forum for artists from Asia coming to Japan to participate in a production of the Mahabharata that will be held as part of the official cultural events for the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

A 6-month Organization/Project Grant to support a joint film project around Hiroshi Koike’s Mahabharata Series with participating artists from nine countries across Asia

to support cross-cultural workshops in Jogjakarta for performing artists from Japan and Southeast Asia to create a collaborative interpretation of the Mahabharata

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Corridor, Taipei

For a virtual research exchange program between arts specialists focusing on indigenous arts practices on Taiwan’s east coast and in Borneo, Malaysia.

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Absolute Space for the Arts

to enable the Absolute Arts Group artists collective to visit Lostgens Contemporary Art Space in Kuala Lumpur for the second phase of a reciprocal exchange program

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Kathy Foley

for a five-week grant to research the impact of the Islamic Revival on traditional puppetry in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia in summer 2016.

support for research on the relationship between religious and performance traditions in Asia in summer 2001

Research on puppetry traditions in Southeast Asia. Applying with Michael Schuster.

to conduct research on performing arts traditions in West Java in summer 1988

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ShadowLight Productions

to enable Artistic Director Larry Reed to travel to Malaysia for three weeks in June 2016, in order to research the indigenous Orang Asli culture.

to enable members of ShadowLight Productions to travel to Hokkaido and Tokyo, Japan, to develop a new theater work in collaboration with Japanese and Ainu performing artists.

support the participation of twelve members of the Taipei theater group The Puppet and Its Double in a performance tour in California of Monkey at Spider Cave

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Amrita Performing Arts

to support creative workshops given by two American artists from the Streb Company to Cambodian artists in Phnom Penh, Battambang, and Siem Reap, and to provide an immersive cultural experience for the Streb artists during their two-week residency in Cambodia.

for a grant to support dance specialists from Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Korea to provide critical feedback for contemporary dance artists in Cambodia

to enable dancers from Cambodia to participate in festivals and conferences in Malaysia, Singapore, and Bangladesh in 2013

To provide support for travel and per diem expenses for participants in connection with a planned 2009 workshop hosted by Amrita in collaboration with the World Dance Alliance.

For the Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program at RUFA.

For management of the Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program at RUFA for nine months (June 2007- February 2008)

support Amrita's programs with visiting artists and specialists in Asia and the United States in 2007

support the participation of artists from Cambodia in the Bassac/Peking Opera Exchange Project workshop in the Philippines in February-March 2006

to support AMRITA's coordination and administration of the Bassac/Peking Exchange Project workshop held in the Philippines in February-March 2006

Support for Amrita's administrative and organizational expenses for Phase I and Phase II of the Bassac/Peking Opera Exchange Project in 2005

to support Amrita's management of international programs in Cambodia in 2004

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