Michael Pestel
to support travel to Japan in order to perform and collaborate with musicians and artists in Tokyo
development of collaborative work involving music and birdcalls in Japan
Learn Moreto support travel to Japan in order to perform and collaborate with musicians and artists in Tokyo
development of collaborative work involving music and birdcalls in Japan
Learn Moreto complete work on a new dance based on the movement vocabulary of Brodal Serei (Cambodian kickboxing) with dancers in Phnom Penh.
creative work and workshop with dancers in Cambodia
Learn Moreto support a two-month research trip to China that will culminate in an exhibition, followed by a book, on the pronounced shift in cultural identity in Chinese contemporary art.
two-month fellowship to complete research in China for a book on contemporary Chinese art
Learn Morefor travel to Korea in summer 2015, in order to collaborate with Korean musicians and research the traditions of ganggangsueolrae and sinawi.
Learn Moreto enable Ms. Thoron to travel to Japan in August 2010 to continue work on Recycling: Washi Tales.
Learn Moreto support participation as a guest researcher at the Kyoto City University of Arts in the use of urushi lacquer in large-scale public art from October to December 2015.
Learn Moreto enable a site visit and the participation of Lee Kit in an exhibition program in May 2016.
enable curator Philippe Vergne to undertake research in Japan for the exhibition "Let's Entertain"
Support for participation of Filipino filmmaker Nick Deocampo in March 1997 exhibition program at the Walker. Art Center
to participate in the Japan-U.S. Museum Professionals Museum Exchange Program
to provide support for the final preparatory expenses incurred in connection with the exhibition "Tokyo: Form and Spirit," held at the Walker Art Center in spring 1986
Support the production of materials related to the planning of the exhibition "Tokyo: Form and Spirit," scheduled to open at the Walker Art Center in March 1986; and to enable Riichi Miyake, architect and designer, Tokyo, to visit the United States in January 1985 in connection with the organization of the exhibition.
"Tokyo: Form and Spirit"
Enable Martin Friedman, Mildred Friedman, and Robert Stearns of the Walker Art Center to conduct research in Japan in 1983 in connection with an exhibition of contemporary Japanese art and design organized in collaboration with the Japan Society, New York.
Learn Morefor a three-month travel grant to India to carry out research in Delhi and participate in a workshop at the Adishakti Laboratory for Theatre Art Research (ACC 2010) in Pondicherry to develop an adaptation of "Into the Dollhouse"
Learn Moreto support a two-month residency in May and June 2015 for Malaysian artist Kamal Sabran
to support a two-month residency for Tibetan artist Tsering Nyandak in 2010
To support artist in residence from Korea (Oak Jung Ho) in winter 2008/spring 2009
Two month residency for Margaret Bong
To support a residency for a visiting artist from Korea, Jee-Eun Pak, from November 1, 2007 through December 30, 2007
support participation of Korean artist Min Jung-Kim in 18th Street Arts Complex's international residency program for three months in fall 2004
Support a residency for Indonesian artist Popok Tri Wahyudi
Support for Tatsuo Inagaki's residency
Support for a residency by artist Meng-Sheng Lee
Support for Japanese artist Tatsuo Inagaki
Residency for two Taiwan Artists at 18th Street Arts Complex
Support for Rogues Gallery artists
For Clayton Campbell to survey art activities in Japan and Taiwan
Support for a three-month residency by Miwa Yanagi
Learn Moretravel to China in fall 2007 to give lectures on issues of folklore at a number of universities in Beijing Supplementary materials- book "Public Folklore"
Learn Morefor a three-month grant to support research for Modeling Cosmos and Community, a comprehensive study on unfired clay sculpture in India
participate in a conference on India's textile trade to be held in Calcutta
to attend conference in January 1999 sponsored by The Madras Crafts Federation
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