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Museum of Modern Art

to provide travel and per diem support for four museum staff to carry out research in Japan in spring 2010 for a 2012 publication of an anthology of Japanese avant-garde art titled Postwar Japanese Art, 1945-1989.

To enable MOMA art curators Roxanna Marcoci and Cornelia Butler to visit museums and survey museum procedures and contemporary art activities in Japan for two weeks in June 2008.

support the participation of four curators from Asia in a Workshop on Curatorial Issues to be held in New York in March 2005


Roberto Balarbar

for a six-month grant to undertake an apprenticeship at the Conservation Department of the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, and to visit and meet professionals at the American Museum of Natural History in New York and the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.


Japan Society

Japan Society Exhibition Study To the Japan Society, New York, to enable Rand Castile, director of exhibitions, Japan House Gallery, to survey art collections and exhibitions techniques in Japan and the United States in preparation for the opening of the Japan House Gallery.


Cleveland Museum of Art

Cleveland, Ohio: to support participation of two representatives from the Nanjing Museum in overseeing the retrospective exhibition The Art of Fu Baoshi at the Cleveland Museum of Art from September 2011 through April 2012.

Support travel to American museums and collections by Guoquiang Shan, curator of Chinese paintings, Palace Museum, Beijing.

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