Texts, Trails, Towns
International research seminar Texts, Trails, Towns is a live-streamed series of sessions and lectures that will speak to Legacy Media, Film Memories, and Fan Tourism featuring Brian BERNARDS (ACC 2024).
International research seminar Texts, Trails, Towns is a live-streamed series of sessions and lectures that will speak to Legacy Media, Film Memories, and Fan Tourism featuring Brian BERNARDS (ACC 2024).
イベントを見るAki ONDA's (ACC 2017) debut Australian survey exhibition. Middle Of A Moment celebrates the expansive practice of renowned artist and composer.
イベントを見るThe works presented in this exhibition all come from the same historical period, from the 1950s to the present, featuring works by Danwen Xing (ACC 1998, 1999, 2000).
イベントを見るNam June Paik Art Center’s first exhibition of 2025 is Random Access Project 4.0, which introduces eight young artists - seven teams, including yang02 (ACC 2023) - making experimental attempts in the contemporary art scene.
イベントを見るIn The Raw is a two-part exhibit with three-sections by Dayang YRAOLA's (ACC 2012).
イベントを見るA dance performance with City Contemporary Dance Company choreographed by CHOU Shu-yi (ACC 2008, 2010) and musical score composed by Olivier CONG (ACC 2024).
イベントを見る宮島達男さん(ACC 1989) が、5年振りとなるアメリカでの個展をリッソン・ギャラリー(ニューヨーク)で開催します。
イベントを見るExperience Dayang YRAOLA's (ACC 2012) sound installation as part of the University of the Philippines, Diliman Arts and Culture Festival 2025.
イベントを見るIn Copper and Bone, Sandra Eula LEE (ACC 2009) brings together a series of mixed-media sculptures reflecting intersections of natural and built environments.
イベントを見るYutaka Kikutake Gallery presents ‘Echo of echoes’, a two person show featuring Trevor Yeung and Yuko MOHRI (ACC 2014).
イベントを見るSundaram Tagore Gallery is pleased to present Disobedient Bodies: Reclaiming Her an exhibition of works by noted women from seven Asian countries, including LE Hien Minh (ACC 2022), curated by Loredana Pazzini-Paracciani during Singapore Art Week, 2025.
イベントを見るGround Floor presents art made in the past couple of years in hopes of investigating and articulating conceptual and stylistic trends coming out of Chicago art schools right now, including work by LE Hien Minh (ACC 2022).