Neil Rolnick's Solo Laptop Work
Neil Rolnick (ACC 1994, 2007) will be performing a program of recent solo laptop work at Stanford University, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA).
Neil Rolnick (ACC 1994, 2007) will be performing a program of recent solo laptop work at Stanford University, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA).
イベントを見るThe Ensemble Échappé will present the streaming premiere of One For The Ages (instrumental version) for 10 instruments, dancers and speakers, by Neil Rolnick (ACC 1994, 2007).
イベントを見るSee new contemporary puppet theatre works by resident and international puppet artists at the 10th La MaMa Puppet Festival (ACC multiple grants since 1977).
イベントを見るAuthor Erika Kobayashi (ACC 2007) and translator Brian Bergstrom will be touring Portland, Los Angeles, and New York for the release of their new books SUNRISE and TRINITY, TRINITY, TRINITY. This tour was made possible by the Yanai Initiative, the Japan Foundation and AstraHouse.
イベントを見るComposer/musician and “John Cage expert” Tomomi Adachi (ACC 2009) brings together musicians in Japan and New York for a high-tech version of John Cage’s composition Ryoanji.
イベントを見るこの展覧会で紹介されている栗田紘一郎さん(ACC 1990)の写真作品は、作家が見ている自然を、地圏、水圏、大気圏として、また、これらの領域が互いに共有する境界線、あらゆる生命体という観点から紹介しています。
イベントを見る「Black and White: The Aesthetics of Photography」(「白と黒:写真の美学」)展は、世界で最も充実したフランス国立図書館のコレクションを紹介しています。白黒写真の歴史を網羅するこの回顧展で、栗田紘一郎さん(ACC 1990)の作品が紹介されています。
イベントを見る磯崎新さん(ACC 1976)のレガシーと彼のデビュー作「新宿ホワイトハウス」を振り返る、三野新さん(ACC 2021)を含む建築・芸術作品の新しい展覧会です。
イベントを見るFor Film Fest Ghent's golden jubilee, the festival is launching 2x25: 25 composers were invited to write a short piece of music. Subsequently, 25 filmmakers were inspired by the music to make a short film. As part of this project, Teresa Barrozo (ACC 2014) and Jia Zhangke created the short film "Out of the Jungle".
イベントを見るFor the Foro Internacional de Música Nueva Manuel Enríquez at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, Ónix Ensamble will perform the premiere of En La Frontera by Neil Rolnick (ACC 1994, 2007).
イベントを見るPace University Art Gallery's exhibit, Inscaping Legacies by Firoz Mahmud (ACC 2010), will go on view on September 30, followed by a celebratory reception on Tuesday, October 3rd from 5pm-7pm.