Exhibition Dates: 5/17/2024 - 5/19/2024

Chiao Chi CHOU (ACC Current Fellow) presents a work in process at Synphysica’s Eye of Flora Governors Island.The event apparatus is an interactive system powered by living plants, allowing a single visitor wearing a virtual reality headset and multiple visitors viewing the transmission from that headset to engage with augmented reality landscapes based on digital environmental ecology. This project integrates biological signals from within the plant body with external environmental information, surpassing the limitations of what the human eye can see. Synphysica posits that humans often act directly from an anthropocentric perspective, overlooking other Earth species, as we move further into digital existence. As a result, we engage with virtual forests without participation within actual forests, virtual wildlife without participation with actual wildlife, and face near extinction of all species other than humans in this digital migration.

The natural world is an open-ended learning laboratory. Experiencing nature in surprising ways can activate the innate connection between ourselves and the living world that we are part of. Participation in this exhibition’s unique engagement with plants provides an opportunity for discovery, creativity, problem-solving, and eco-education.

To learn more, click HERE