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Location One

to support residencies by Japanese artists Hiraku Suzuki and Motohiko Odani in spring 2012

to support one five-month residency of an ACC grantee at Location One in fall 2010

To enable two grantees from Asia to participate in residency programs in spring and fall 2009.

To pay studio fees for five months in Fall 2008 for an ACC grantee

5 months' studio fee for Eric Siu

participation in creative residencies by ACC grantees in 2007-2008

support of ACC grantee Juei-Hsien Hsu's residency program at at ARCUS in 2007

support residencies by ACC grantees from Asia


Mark Morris Dance Group

to support performances by the Mark Morris Dance Group (MMDG) in China and Macau in summer 2012.


Michigan State University Museum

To support professional exchanges between the Yunnan Nationalities Museum (YNM) and the Michigan State University Museum (MSUM), focusing on building the digital capacity to foster ongoing sharing between ethnographic museums in China and the US.

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