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Minneapolis Institute of Art

to enable Chih Liang Na, research associate, National Palace Museum, Taipei, to prepare a catalogue of the Chinese jade collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts


John Hay

to complete dissertation research in Chinese art history at the National Palace Museum, Taipei, to assist the editing of the English edition of the National Palace Museum Bulletin, and to survey public and private art collections in Japan.

to complete dissertation research in Chinese art history at the National Palace Museum, Taipei, to assist the editing of the English edition of the National Palace Museum Bulletin, and to survey public and private art collections in Japan.

to complete dissertation research in Chinese art history at the National Palace Museum, Taipei, to assist the editing of the English edition of the National Palace Museum Bulletin, and to survey public and private art collections in Japan.


Thomas Lawton

To conduct dissertation research on Chinese art at the National Palace Museum, Taipei, and to assist in editing the English edition of the National Palace Museum Bulletin and a handbook in English for the National Palace Museum

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