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Lijiang Studio Foundation

To support the Lijiang/Hokkaido Reciprocal Residency Program, enabling four artists from China and Japan to explore interdisciplinary artistic practice in two rural settings over two months.

A 3-month Organization/Project Grant to support Lijiang With/Out, a virtual experiment in sound recording and collaboration between women sound artists from Japan, China, Taiwan, and the U.S., and local artists and residents of Lijiang, China.

To support the Lijiang/Hokkaido Reciprocal Residency Program, enabling four artists from China and Japan to explore interdisciplinary artistic practice in two rural settings over two months.

four-month grant to enable Achmad Krisgatha from Indonesia to participate in a residency in Yunnan in fall 2006


MILL6 Foundation

A virtual program to facilitate the online program Following Traces, enabling seven project participants to conduct research on various issues concerning the social and cultural history of East Asia.


Mino Arata

To conduct research on the work of Edward Steichen in the archives of the Museum of Modern Art and explore contemporary visual and performing arts in New York City and beyond.

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