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Jessica Grindstaff

A 9-week fellowship to study with Butoh and Bunraku artists in Japan and to visit the Fukushima region to capture visual, aural, and personal stories, informing a new theater work



A 3-week grant for a collaboration with artists in Beijing to explore creating a technologically innovative theater work

New York, New York: to enable The Hinterlands company to collaborate with traditional Sichuan opera performer Tian Mansha and Chinese opera artists from the Shanghai Theatre Academy on a month-long exchange in November 2011 to create an original multidisciplinary performance.


Susanne Kerekes

A 4-month fellowship to conduct research on the material culture and social history of the Wat Arun temple in Bangkok, Thailand NB APPROVED CHANGE: a 7-week fellowship The scope remains the same, since there is an important ceremonial ritual that will take place sometime in mid-July for the re-opening of the central architectural tower (the Phra Prang), the focus of the summer research will be on this aspect of the temple, as well as continuing to document and research the preparations of the temple and its role related to the upcoming funerary ritual for the late king.

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