Leonetto Tintori
To survey techniques and procedures of mural conservation in India, Japan, Korea, and Thailand
了解更多To survey techniques and procedures of mural conservation in India, Japan, Korea, and Thailand
了解更多to represent the United States at the Osaka festival, April 1964, and to make a performance tour to Honolulu, Hong Kong, and Manila.
了解更多to enable Robert Garfias, assistant professor of music, University of Washington and Mantle Hood, director, Institute of Ethnomusicology, University of California, Los Angeles, to attend "East West '64: Conference and Festival of Music," New Delhi, February 1964.
了解更多to study theater in a program leading to the M.A. degree at the Dallas Theater Center.
了解更多to pursue painting activities and to observe contemporary art developments in the United States.
了解更多to provide support for the conference "The Architect and the Community," New Delhi, February 1965, sponsored jointly by the India International Centre and the Indian Institute of Architects.
了解更多to provide support for the promotion and initiation of cultural exchange programs and activities in India, other Asian countries, and the West.
了解更多to pursue painting activities and to observe contemporary art developments in the United States.
了解更多To study in a program leading to the Certificate in Conservation at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, and to intern at the Intermuseum Laboratory, Oberlin, Ohio
了解更多to the American National Theatre and Academy, New York, to provide support for a performance tour in India, Japan, and Thailand, October-November 1964.
了解更多to study at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, New York, and the Robert Joffrey School of American Ballet, New York.