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Jennifer Tipton

to present workshops in lighting design at the Beijing Dance Academy and the Cultural Center of the Philippines in summer 2005

to conduct a one-week lighting design workshop in Phnom Penh

present lighting workshops at the National Institute of the Arts in Taiwan and Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts


Triangle Arts Association

to support two three-month residencies for artists Ye-Eun Min (South Korea) and Paribartana Mohanty (India), to take place in fall 2019

to enable the participation of Zoya Siddiqui in the 2015 Artists’ Workshop and accompanying Public Program Series in fall 2015.

Support the participation of sculptor Tomoko Ushijima in Triangle Artist's Workshop's summer 1993 program.


Tseng Jui-Hsuan "Ray"

to observe trends in lighting design in New York City and develop visual and conceptual approaches that further the possibilities for lighting designers in Taiwan

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