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Indochina Arts Partnership

partial support for residencies for two American artists at the Hue School of the Arts in Vietnam during the school's 2nd Annual Sculpture Conference

to support a three-month residency in the U.S. by Mr. Le Thua Tien

To enable Vietnamese writer and critic Duong Tuong Tran to travel to the United States for three months in fall 1995 to pursue research, observe contemporary arts activities, conduct seminars, and meet with artists, curators, and scholars.

Enable artist Dang Xuan Hoa from Hanoi, Vietnam, to undertake a residency at the Massachusetts College of Art in spring 1994.

to support three Vietnamese artists participating in a symposium at the Portland School of Art in Portland, maine, and presenting lectures and workshops at schools and colleges in the Boston area


Indonesian Museum Development Program

Support Tedjo Susilo (Directorate of Museums)and Djoko Soejono (Yayasan Nusantara Jaya) to travel to the U.S. to attend AAM meeting and visit IMDP internship sites

(Grant-related expenses.) To support Indonesian museum specialists in internship programs at museums in the United States and in graduate study programs in museology, and to support workshops in Indonesia by American museum professionals.


Jim Henson Foundation

to support the participation of music and puppetry artists from Indonesia in the touring and outreach program of Wayang Listrik as part of the International Festival of Puppet Theater in New York in September 1998

Support Japanese puppetry artist Hoichi Okamoto's participation in the International Festival of Puppet Theater, scheduled to be held at the Joseph Papp Public Theater in New York in September 1994

to support Asian programs, including the work of Japanese theater designer and puppet artist Jusaburo Tsujimura and Chinese handpuppet artist Yang Feng, in the International Festival of Puppet Theater at the Public Theater in New York in September 1992

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