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Contemporary Legend Theatre

Organization/Project Grant to enable the company to upgrade their online capacity and maintain operating expenses during a period when there will be no income from teaching or performances

to support the participation of Jie-Hua Pan in Contemporary Legend Theatre's Opera Camp in summer 2015

Phase I and II of the Bassac/Peking Opera Project

support for Bassac/Peking Opera exchange with RUFA in Cambodia


Abner Delina, Jr.

A 6-month Individual Fellowship to continue research into contemporary theater and engagement, ecological art practices, and arts and cultural responses to the pandemic and current social movements

to participate in contemporary theater workshops and train in devised theater, physical theater, and multicultural theater collaboration in New York City


Don't Follow the Wind

A 1-month grant supplement to adapt a disrupted project to enable U.S. and Japanese artists and curators to carry out research in Japan and through online meetings in connection with the English publication Don’t Follow the Wind, examining community and artistic responses to the ongoing crisis in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone

To enable three Americans to undertake research in Japan, in order to lay the groundwork for the first English publication on the the "Don't Follow the Wind" project


Drifters International

A 1-month Organization/Project Grant to provide support for the Jejak Tabi Exchange virtual platform, designed to share, exchange, and explore critical ideas and practices in contemporary art practice, and to discuss the future of international cultural exchange. Fiscally sponsored by NPO Open Network for Performing Arts Management

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