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Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

Organization/Project Grant to provide support for Hope Sessions, a series of online panel discussions moderated by curators in Asia and the U.S. to initiate dialogue around what art will look like in the post-COVID-19 future.

To support cultural preservation programs in Mongolia, a project to be undertaken by Hal Fischer at the Fine Arts Museum in Ulaanbaatar

To support the Museum's cultural preservation programs in Mongolia (D-98560)

To allow Teresa Heady to undertake a teaching residency in conservation and collections handling at the University of Art and Culture in Mongolia

To enable Dorjiin Enkhtugs, director of the Museum of Theater and Art in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to undertake a three-month internship at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the California Academy of Sciences, and the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, in summer 1994

To provide support for travel to Mongolia by two curators and a conservator from the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco in preparation for a major exhibition of art from Mongolian collections to be presented at the museum in 1995

To support curatorial research and discussions in Vietnam in connection with an exhibition of Vietnamese art being planned by the Asian Art Museum

To support the publication of a catalogue accompanying the exhibition "Essence of Indian Art," shown at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco in fall 1986


Bamboo Curtain Studio

An 8-month Organization/Project Grant to carry out the second year of ACC Taiwan Foundation’s Taiwan Southeast Asia Program (TSAP) through virtual exchanges between artists and arts professionals in Taiwan and Southeast Asia

to support the participation of Taiwanese artist Chen Chia-Jen in a residency program at Cemeti Art House in Indonesia

support the participation of directors of artist-in-residence programs in Asia in a conference organized by the Bamboo Curtain Studio in Taiwan in summer 2005


Kevin Julius Castelo

Grant supplement to cover mandatory quarantine expenses upon return home to the Philippines, following completion of a master’s degree in percussion performance in spring 2020.

To continue in the second and final year of a master’s degree program at Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University Bloomington, majoring in percussion performance

A living stipend for the first year in a Master of Music program at Indiana University, majoring in percussion performance

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