Probir Guha
to attend performances and observe theater activities in the United States in fall 1985 following his participaion in the Festival of India at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
了解更多to attend performances and observe theater activities in the United States in fall 1985 following his participaion in the Festival of India at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
了解更多to provide programming assistance and support for travel, study, and related cultural activities
了解更多Travel to Vietnam in spring 1985 to survey cultural activities, meet with artists and cultural officials, and explore the possibility of developing American-Vietnamese cultural exchange programs.
了解更多Travel to Vietnam inspring 1985 to survey cultural activities, meet with artists and cultural officials, and explore the possibility of developing American-Vietnamese cultural exchange programs.
了解更多Give kyogen workshops at La Mama Experimental Theatre Club and to survey cultural activities in New York in March 1984.
了解更多Study English at the University of Hawaii and to observe rehersals, actor training classes, and performances in the United States from January through March 1984.
Tadashi Suzuki & Kayoko Shiraishi: to conduct workshops at La Mama Experimental Theater Club, New York, in spring 1983.
了解更多Study American mime techniques as a special student at Pomona College in fall 1983.
了解更多to provide programming assistance and support for travel, study, and cultural activities
了解更多to conduct workshops at La Mama Experimental Theater Club, New York, in spring 1983.