搜寻/筛选得奖人East Bay Center for Performing Arts
Support a concert of Japanese traditional music by Kunie Fujii and Company in Berkeley, California.
了解更多Eguchi Akira
Complete a program of study leading to the Master of Music degree in piano at the Juilliard School during the 1989-90 academic year.
了解更多Qu Xiaosong
Continue to study music, observe contemporary music activities, and create new work in the United States.
to attend music performances and observe cultural activities in the United States in 1989
了解更多Sarah Weiss
Conduct dissertation research in Central Java on female roles in Indonesian music performance.
了解更多Yoshizawa Motoharu
Observe and participate in contemporary music activities in the United States.
了解更多Gamelan Sekar Jaya
to support the residency of Balinese musician I Ketut Partha as visiting teach with Gamelan Sekar Jaya in 1988-89
To enable Balinese musician I Wayan Sujana to attend performances of music, dance, and theater events in the San Francisco area during a year-long residency as a visiting teacher with Gamelan Sekar Jaya.
Enable Balinese musician and teacher I Wayan Sinti, Denpasar, Indonesia, to direct Gamelan Sekar Jaya in Oakland for four month in spring 1985 in preparation for the Gamelam's performance tour to Indonesia.
了解更多International Music Council Assembly and Congress
to enable the following Asian music specialists to attend the International Music Council General Assembly and Congress, New York and Washington, D.C., September 1968: Surya Brata, indonesia; Tran Van Khe, Vietnam; Sri Kusumobroto, Indonesia; Hye Ku Lee, Korea; Lobsang Lhalungpa, Tibet; Narayana Menon, India; Uro Nakayama, Japan
了解更多Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy
To travel to Laos in January 1989 to advise the National Institute for Artistic and Literary Research on the creation of an archive of audio-visual materials in the performing arts.
to attend the national meetings of the Society of Ethnomusicology, Los Angeles, November 1968, and to survey American university programs in ethnomusicology
了解更多Kurodo Mori
to observe and participate in contemporary music activities in the United States in 1988-89
了解更多Eric Kwong Pui Pun
to participate in the National Opera Music Theatre Conference held at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center in August 1988
了解更多Adelaida Reyes Schramm
to conduct research on music and cultural change among Vietnamese refugees in the Philippines in summer 1988