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Sato Yasukazu

To observe and participate in contemporary performing arts activities to pursue research in world music traditions in the United States in 1996.


Aloysius Suwardi

to complete a program of study in ethnomusicology leading to the M.A. degree at Wesleyan University in fall 1995

To complete a program of study in ethnomusicology leading to the M.A. degree at Wesleyan University in 1994-95.

Begin a program of study in ethnomusicology leading to the M.A. degree at Weslyan University.

Begin a program of study in ethnomusicology leading to the M.A. degree at Weslyan University.


American Gamelan Institute

To support the participation of Indonesian music specialists Al. Suwardi, I Nyoman Catra, and I Ketut Gede Asnawa in the Planet Gamelan conference at Dartmouth College in April 1994.

Support the participation of grantees I Wayan Rai and Martinus Miroto in the Planet Gamelan festival, symposium, and exhibition presented by the American Gamelan Institute at Dartmouth College in April 1993.

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