Sato Yasukazu
To observe and participate in contemporary performing arts activities to pursue research in world music traditions in the United States in 1996.
了解更多To observe and participate in contemporary performing arts activities to pursue research in world music traditions in the United States in 1996.
了解更多to complete a program of study in ethnomusicology leading to the M.A. degree at Wesleyan University in fall 1995
To complete a program of study in ethnomusicology leading to the M.A. degree at Wesleyan University in 1994-95.
Begin a program of study in ethnomusicology leading to the M.A. degree at Weslyan University.
Begin a program of study in ethnomusicology leading to the M.A. degree at Weslyan University.
了解更多To undertake research on the music and ceremonial traditions of the Iroquois tribes of New York State in spring 1996.
了解更多To support the participation of Indonesian music specialists Al. Suwardi, I Nyoman Catra, and I Ketut Gede Asnawa in the Planet Gamelan conference at Dartmouth College in April 1994.
Support the participation of grantees I Wayan Rai and Martinus Miroto in the Planet Gamelan festival, symposium, and exhibition presented by the American Gamelan Institute at Dartmouth College in April 1993.
了解更多to continue to study ethnomusicology in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at Weslyan University.
to begin studies in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree in ethnomusicology at Wesylan University.
了解更多To undertake research in Indonesia on the Islamic musical genre gambus in summer 1994.
了解更多To complete a program of study in percussion music leading to the D.M.A. degree at the School of Music, University of Michigan, 1994-95.
了解更多to pursue research in the United States on the life and work of composer, Arnold Schoenberg.
了解更多To serve as a visiting scholar at Stanford University's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) in spring and summer 1995
了解更多To begin a program of study in music composition leading to the Master of Music degree at The Boston Conservatory.