Selma & Max Kupferberg Center
support for composer Keiko Fujiie to participate in new collaborative performance work with choreographer Kristen Jackson.
了解更多support for composer Keiko Fujiie to participate in new collaborative performance work with choreographer Kristen Jackson.
了解更多to participate in the Arts Summit Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia, in September 1998
To complete a program of study in music composition and conducting leading to the Master of Music dgree at the Cleveland Institute of Music in fall 1986
to begin a program of study in music composition and conducting leading to the Master of Music degree at the Cleveland Institute of Music in the 1985-86 academic year
了解更多Serve as a visiting composer and researcher in the department of music at the University of California, San Diego
了解更多collaborative research at Chulalongkorn University on teaching and transmission of classical Thai music
了解更多Interview woman conductor Zheng Xiao Ying in Beijing and study the current role of women in music activities in China
了解更多Support for final year completing Ph.D. dissertation and degree in ethnomusicology at University of Pennsylvania.
To support summer semester study in 1994 and 1995 in connection with the completion of a program in ethnomusicology leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Pennsylvania.
了解更多to undertake a teaching and performance residency at the Hong Kong Sinfonietta
了解更多Residency at Central Conservatory in Beijing, to help develop a new Ph.D. program in conducting.