Chow Chi Chung
to study at the Aspen Music School and to observe music activities in New York in summer 1991
了解更多to study at the Aspen Music School and to observe music activities in New York in summer 1991
了解更多to survey contemporary architecture and urban design and meet with architects in the United States
to survey contemporary architecture and urban design and meet with architects in the United States
To survey contemporary architecture and urban design and meet with architects in the United States.
了解更多to observe contemporary art activities, meet with American artists and curators, and create new work in the United States
了解更多to study modern dance and observe contemporary dance activities at the American Dance Festival and in New York
了解更多to study theater management and to observe theater production procedures in the United States
了解更多to observe activities in American video art and to create new work in the United States
了解更多To study lighting design as a special student at the School of Drama, Yale University.
To study lighting design as a special student at the School of Drama, Yale University.
了解更多to study modern dance and observe contemporary dance activities at the American Dance Festival and in New York
了解更多To study lighting design at Indiana and Yale Universities and to observe theater activities in New York.
了解更多To study modern dance and observe contemporary dance activities at the American Dance Festival and in New York.
了解更多To study modern dance and observe contemporary dance activities at the American Dance Festival and in New York.