After 20 years JIN Xing (ACC 1988) returns with her dance company to Paris with two productions: Trinity, a triple bill program comprised of Sacre, Echo and Cage Birds to be performed on February 27-28 and Wild Flowers, a 70 minute tour de force on stage on March 1-2.
The Jin Xing Dance Theatre was formed in the heart of communist China in 1999 by its founder Jin Xing. This pioneering artist has successfully torn down barriers between East and West and established her dance company as the foremost contemporary dance troupe in China. During its season at Paris’s Théâtre des Champs-Elysées the company will present four choreographic creations: Sacre by Israeli choreographer Emanuel Gat, who created a dance for 3 women and 2 men to Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring music, Echo from South African native artist Moya Michael who choreographed a piece for 7 female dancers and two group works by Dutch theatermaker and choreographer Arthur Kuggeleyn, Cage Birds and Wild Flowers, presenting all company dancers on stage. Discover these three visions and dialogues at the heart of contemporary dance.