'Singing to the Choir'
2019年11月08日 - 2020年01月19日
Visual artist and ACC alumnus Trần Minh Đức is participating in the group exhibition Singing to the Choir? at The Factory Conte…
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Visual artist and ACC alumnus Trần Minh Đức is participating in the group exhibition Singing to the Choir? at The Factory Conte…
查阅活动Jorng Jam is a reminder that Ihave to collect the old photography from the family who are still alive from the war 1975-1979. A…
查阅活动ACC alumnus Nam June Paik's experimental, innovative, yet playful work has had a profound influence on today's art and culture. He pioneered the use of TV and video in art and coined the phrase ‘electronic superhighway’ to predict the future of communication in the internet age.
查阅活动In this Cultural Conversation, we willenjoy a private walk throughofInside Out led byrenowned artist and2011 ACC alumnus Enrico …
查阅活动The centerpiece of the exhibition is ACC alumnus Nam June Paik'sMain Channel Matrix, 1993-1996, a monumental videowall composed…
查阅活动ACC alumnus Trần Minh Đức was born 1982, nearly 7 years after the American War (internationally known as Vietnam War) in Ho Chi…