Chia-En Jao: Backseat Boulevard
2017年05月06日 - 2017年06月25日
Backseat Boulevardis a continuation of Jaos interest in historical remnants and their reproduction in modern-day society. In ad…
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Backseat Boulevardis a continuation of Jaos interest in historical remnants and their reproduction in modern-day society. In ad…
查阅活动Outside of art circles, the artist CHI New-York goes by the name CHI Kai-Yuan. Juxtaposed against his more renowned nom de plum…
查阅活动MoNTUE北師美術館首次舉辦「2017作夢計畫Dreamin MoNTUE」展覽計畫,將於2017年4月至6月展開展覽序幕,由兩位表演藝術家葉名樺《一個人的美術館-寂靜敲門》與陳彥斌《嗨歌三百首》接力展出。
查阅活动The background of the story is the Franco-Chinese War from 1883-1885 and the battles that took place in Taiwan. A French sailor…
查阅活动FreeSteps is the project launched by Su Wei-chia of HORSE Dance Theatre in 2013, aiming to explore the most primitive status of…
查阅活动Coming from the concept of love and relationship, I invited ten pairs of lovers - who also are artists - to collaborate. Many d…
查阅活动STUPIN is a platform for artist residencies where individual artists network in the form of studio swaps. STUPIN.ORG, Kuos solo…
查阅活动Hiding in the Island is an exhibition that aims to explore the unique aesthetic and authenticity of existence through three par…
查阅活动新時代的來臨,西部的進步帶來生活的矛盾與價值牴觸,使得島嶼東部出現另一種可能。壯闊的大地、無情的自然、簡單的人文,必定有它的意義。康德(I.Kant)在他的《判斷力批判》(The Critique of Judgment)中提及崇高與壯美,他說由於自然對…