Talking Gong: Alex Peh, Claire Chase, Kyaw Kyaw Naing, Susie Ibarra
PianistAlex Pehteams up with percussionistsSusie Ibarra, an ACC grantee, Kyaw Kyaw Naing, and flutistClaire Chaseto perform new…
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PianistAlex Pehteams up with percussionistsSusie Ibarra, an ACC grantee, Kyaw Kyaw Naing, and flutistClaire Chaseto perform new…
查阅活动Trio Improv:Pamelia Stickney Theremin, Ingrid Laubrock -Saxophone, Susie Ibarra- Drums, Percussion. ACC grantee Susie Ibarra (…
查阅活动Fragility: An Exploration of Polyrhythmsis the world premiere of drummer/composer and ACC grantee Susie Ibarras new immersive p…