7/13/2024 - 9/29/2024
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Open every day during exhibition / Free Admission 

For many generations, living creatures including humans have survived in the wild by migrating from one place to another, while being influenced by natural environments. How are those places—where one is born, lives, visited or to visit—interlaced with Aomori, the city in which many of you “happened” to be at this moment? And how can we hold dialogues with the environment, alongside the existence, history or memory of lives in various places, while seeking co-existence as we pass over and reconnect with them from time to time?

Organized in the Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, the hub for global talents on creative pursuits, the exhibition embraces two keywords: current, as in “present”, as well as everlasting flows of water, air, or energy; and undercurrent, in terms of a tendency or hidden message under the surface or current that are not openly shown. Reflecting this theme, it features creators around the world who explore artistic expression as they interact with various places, in addition to pieces by people associated with Aomori. The two-session structure aims to facilitate continuous involvement with places and deliver ever-evolving current statues to the exhibition space.

As the streams or whirls that spring from each of the curated pieces meet and blend with each other, they give birth endlessly to new patterns.

Jumana Emil ABBOUD, AONO Fumiaki, Ai IWANE (ACC 2022), KORETSUNE Sakura, KUDO Shoji, MITSUOKA Koichi, NAKAJIMA Koji, SAWADA Kyoichi, SUZUKI Masaharu, Robin WHITE, Traditional Clothing of the Ainu (Collection of the Aomori City Board of Education / Exhibition pieces from the 2nd term)
Space design: YAMAKAWA Rick
Curator: KEINO Yuka

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