Seki Tomoko has started her six-month fellowship in New York. 
She has primarily focused on research on the environment surrounding European, particularly British, and Japanese plays and playwrights. In this fellowship, she plans to research U.S. theater, an area where information and research are lacking in Japan. This will enable her to conduct a comparative study of Japanese, European, and American plays, and gain a deeper understanding of their unique characteristics. Additionally, she will survey the education and career development of playwrights in New York.

Seki holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Studies in Theatre and Film Arts from the Graduate School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, Waseda University. She specializes in contemporary British theater and drama theory. Her recent works include the publication of Deviation and Violation: The Dramaturgy of Sarah Kane (Suisei-sha, 2023) and co-authored volumes Theatres in Conflicts (Hitsuji Shobo, 2019) and Anthology of Western Theatre Theory (Getsuyosha, 2019). Her translations include the plays Anatomy of a Suicide by Alice Birch and White Rabbit, Red Rabbit by Nassim Soleimanpour. The recipient of the 16th Yushi Odashima Drama Translation Award.