Senzaki Chieo
to participate in the International Studio Program at P.S. I in New York in 1988-89
Learn Moreto participate in the International Studio Program at P.S. I in New York in 1988-89
Learn Moreto attend a program in Laban Movement Studies at the University of Washington in summer and fall 1988
Learn Moreto support American participation in a conference entitled "Chinese Music in Its
Learn Moreto support two visiting Kutiyattam performers and teachers from India at SUNY/Stony Brook in 1989
Learn MoreTo study art history in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at Harvard University during the 1988-89 academic year.
Learn Moreto study modern dance and observe contemporary dance activities at the American Dance Festival and in New York in summer 1988
Learn MoreTo observe activities in film and to meet with filmmakers, producers, and film specialists in the United States in 1989.
Learn MoreTo complete a program of study in set and costume design leading to the M.F.A. degree in theater at Boston University during the 1988-89 academic year.
To continue to study set and costume design in a program leading to the M.F.A. degree in theater at Boston University.
To continue to study in a program leading to the master's degree in theaer at Boston University in spring 1987
Learn Moreto attend dance classes in New York following participation in the American Dance Festival in suymmer 1988
to attend dance classes in New York following participation in the American Dance Festival in suymmer 1988
To study modern dance and choreography in the United States in 1987-88.
Learn Moreto continue to conduct research and study art history at Princeton university during the 1988-89 academic year
Learn MorePercussionist, Tokyo, Japan: to study percussion at the School of Music, University of Michigan, and to observe contemporary music activities in the United States during the 1987-88 academic year.
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