Indonesian Museum Training Program
to support Indonesian museum specialists in internship programs at museums in the United States and in graduate study programs in museology, and to support workshops in Indonesia by American museum professionals.
To complete a fellowship program enabling curators, conservators, and museum specialists from Indonesia to receive training and gain curatorial experience in the United States in conjunction with exhibitions and related activities presented through the Festival of Indonesia.
To support a fellowship program enabling curators, conservators, and museum specialists from Indonesia to receive training and gain curatorial experience in the United States in conjunction with exhibitions and related activities being planned for the Festival of Indonesia.
To support a fellowship program enabling curators, conservators, and museum specialists from Indonesia to receive training and gain curatorial experience in the United States in conjunction with exhibitions and related activities being planned for the Festival of Indonesia.
to support a fellowship program enabling curators, conservators, and museum specialists from Indonesia to receive training and gain curatorial experience in the United States in conjunction with exhibitions and related activities being planned for the Festival of Indonesia.
To support a fellowship program enabling curators, conservators, and museum specialists from Indonesia to receive training and gain curatorial experience in the United States in conjunction with exhibitions and related activities being planned for the Festival of Indonesia.
To support a fellowship program enabling curators, conservators, an museum specialists from Indonesia to receive training and gain curatorial experience in the United States in conjunction with exhibitions and related activities being planned for the Festival of Indonesia.
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