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Kathy Foley

for a five-week grant to research the impact of the Islamic Revival on traditional puppetry in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia in summer 2016.

support for research on the relationship between religious and performance traditions in Asia in summer 2001

Research on puppetry traditions in Southeast Asia. Applying with Michael Schuster.

to conduct research on performing arts traditions in West Java in summer 1988

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Stephanie Griffin

to collaborate with Malaysian composer Kee Yong Chong and a group of musicians and artists from Bali, China, Germany, and Malaysia in a new concert-length chamber opera in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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ISSUE Project Room

to support the participation of sound artist Nao Nishihara in a performance in Brooklyn, New York in November 2016

to support the participation of Akio Suzuki on a two-week tour in September 2015.

to support Voices and Echoes from Japan, a unique tour featuring performances by four influential Japanese artists in September 2012.

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Yanghee Lee

for a three-month grant to support her participation in Tadashi Suzuki’s Toga International Arts Festival in Toyama prefecture and to explore dance and theater activities in Tokyo and Kyoto.

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Museum of Modern Art

to support Naomi Kawase’s participation in a retrospective of her work in June 2016.

to support professional exchange and research opportunities for two museum curatorial staff in southern China

to provide travel and per diem support for four museum staff to carry out research in Japan in spring 2010 for a 2012 publication of an anthology of Japanese avant-garde art titled Postwar Japanese Art, 1945-1989.

To enable MOMA art curators Roxanna Marcoci and Cornelia Butler to visit museums and survey museum procedures and contemporary art activities in Japan for two weeks in June 2008.

To support the participation of choreographer/ dancer Min Tanaka and associated artists in public programs associated with an exhibition documenting Mr. Tanaka's work to be held at P.S. 1 and MOMA

support the participation of four curators from Asia in a Workshop on Curatorial Issues to be held in New York in March 2005

support for a workshop for museum professionals from East and West Asia

to enable the museum's International Programs director Jay Levenson to participate in the Japan-U.S. Museum Professionals Exchange Program planning meeting in Japan in April 1997

Support the participation of poet and video artists Shuntaro Tanikawa in the Video Viewpoints lecture series at the Museum of Modern Art in April 1993.

to provide for the purchase of the videotape entitled Global Groove by Nam June Paik, composer and video artist.

To enable Willard Van Dyke, director, Department of Film, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, to review showings of Indian films at Cinematheque Française, Paris, in preparation for a festival of Indian films at the museum and to enable Donald Richie, film critic, Tokyo, to travel to New York to advise the museum on contemporary Asian films.

To provide support for the exhibition The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture, organized in collaboration with the San Francisco Museum of Art and shown in eight cities in the United States, April 1965-May 1967

to provide support for the exhibition Two Decades of American Painting shown at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto; and the Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, October 1966-April 1967.

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