Founded and co-directed by Tomoko Sugawara and August Denhard, the Eurasia Consort brings together two specialists in the ancient musical traditions of East Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Through their research, teaching, and performances, they seek a common understanding of the world’s great music traditions along the ancient Silk Road.
The Silk Road was an interlocking trade route that connected to the Far East, Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. For about 1,000 years it was a conduit not only for trade, but for religions, ideas, innovations, and music.
The concert imagines sounds of the ancient Silk Road, taking the listener from the caves at Dunhuang, continuing through the Middle East, and arriving in Europe. Musical instruments such as various versions of the ones being played today – harp, lutes, flutes and percussion – no doubt made the journey as well.
The Eurasia Consort:
Tomoko Sugawara: Ancient Harp, Kugo
August Denhard: Medieval Lute