September 21, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) presents Crossing Boundaries Concert Series vol. 22, gamin (ACC 2013) x elizabeth hoffman, curated by gamin, in the Immersion Room, Avery Fisher Center, on the 7th Floor of NYU's Bobst Library on Washington Square South.

This concert explores the profound theme of crossing boundaries, a continuation of our series that invites reflection on the values of transcending limits. Whether these boundaries are forbidden zones, mental constructs, or cultural divergences, the performance seeks to bring them into mutual awareness. Through a powerful blend of music and meditation, this event challenges audiences to rethink the divisions that shape our world and to discover the unity that lies beyond. Join us for an evening of immersive soundscapes and thought-provoking artistry as we journey across these borders together.

RSVP required by 12 pm on 9/21, the day of the concert. Your name and email address will be given to NYU, which will email you a pass that you will need to enter the Bobst Library building.

To learn more, click HERE