FIELD MEETING Take 5: Thinking Projects
2017年10月14日 - 2017年10月15日
Conceived as an exhibition and aimed at emulating the experience of a studio visit on a communal scale,FIELD MEETINGTake 5: Thi…
查閱活動ACC以我們的國際會友網絡而自豪。若您是我們的受獎人或會友,誠意邀請您在活動日曆分享中與我們分享您最新的活動資訊,請電郵至 以了解活動日曆的登錄方法。請注意,只有ACC受獎人或會友的活動才會被刊登。
Conceived as an exhibition and aimed at emulating the experience of a studio visit on a communal scale,FIELD MEETINGTake 5: Thi…
查閱活動An exhibition of land-related art projects by five artists generated in Hong Kong over the past ten years,LAND VISIONS: In Sear…