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National Theatre of the Deaf

To support participation by three Indian theater specialists in the National Theatre of the Deaf's Professional School for Deaf Theatre Personnel in summer 1986

Provide support for a performance tour to Japan and India in winter 1981-82

to enable David Hays, director, and Linda Bove, actress, National Theatre of the Deaf, to visit Japan to explore the possibility of a performance tour of Japan

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University of New Mexico Foundation

to provide travel support for three American archaeologists participating in the archaeology project at Vijayanagara, India, in winter 1986

to support the American tour of "The Vijayanagara Exhibition: Where Gods and Kings Meet," documenting archaeological and architectural remains from Vijayanagara, India

Support the distribution of the "Vijaynagara Research Project Report" to institutions ans scholars in India.

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Brick Temples of Bengal

Support the distribution to educational and cultural insitutions in India and Bangladesh of Brick Temples of Bengal, editied by George Michell and published by Princeton University Press in 1983.

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American Institute of Indian Studies

Provide support for the duplication of audio tapes in the Jairazbhoy Collection of Indian Music to be deposited in the AIIS Archive and Research Center for Ethnomusicology in Pune, India.

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World Crafts Council

to enable crafts specialist, Arnawaz Vasudev, India; Iqbal Ahmed, Bangladesh; and Jarug Jareonyos, Thailand, to attend the Eight General Assembly and International Confernece of the World Crafts Council held in Kyoto, Japan, in September 1978

to enable the following delegates of the council from Asia to participate in a meeting of regional representatives in New Delhi, November 1969: Dorothy Huang, Republic of China; Hardjasoemantri Kusnadi, Indonesia; Manote Kongkananda, Thailand; Paul Soon Sook Lee, Korea; Hiroaki Morino, Japan; A. D. Seneviratne, Sri Lanka; Tsering Tobden, Sikkim; Shahrum Bin Yub, Malaysia.

to the American Committee of the World Crafts Council, New York, to enable the following crafts specialists from Asia to attend the Third Biennial Meeting of the General Assembly of the World Crafts Council, Lima, Peru, August-September 1968: Zulkifli Aziz, National Museum of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Chairman, All India Handicrafts Board, Bombay, India; Peter Dandeniya, director, National Craftsmen's Cooperative Society, Colombo, Sri Lanka; Kiran Gujral, potter, New Delhi, India; Satish Gujral, painter, New Delhi, India; Pupul Jayakar, director, National Small Industries Corporation, New Delhi, India; Hardjasoemantri Kusnadi, Ministry of Education and Culture, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Manote Kongkananda, painter and graphic artist, Bangkok, Thailand; Homi Sethna, filmmaker, Bombay, India; Nellie Sethna, weaver and textile designer, Bombay, India; Kichenosuke Tonomura, director, Kurashiki Folk Art Museum, Japan.

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